From Sheep to Sweaters 'n Socks

Mostly knitting related comments on my life.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Kiddie shoes?


yep, I'm still going on about the kiddie shoes :) I thought I'd make some pictures of them so that you can see what are supposed to be kiddie shoes. Correct me if I'm wrong... I think they look pretty adult to me...

First up are my Offshore Legends sandals. This is the most "strappy" pair I've ever owned hahaha. I especially love the soles :) I can see myself traipsing through the Bay Area wearing these :)

Next is a pair of suede KangaROOS. This pair and the next pair is more a fallish pair of shoes. Not really summer wear (at least not now that we have temps of close to 100 degrees). These have very thin soles, so they're extremely comfortable.

And finally another pair by Offshore Legends... this one's white leather with blue suede. The soles are a bit thicker than those of the KangaROOS...

Cheers Eva

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Shop assistants in this country are known for their brilliant minds NOT and for their friendliness DOUBLE NOT!!!! In french you have a saying that says the customer is king. Here in Luxembourg this saying is adapted to say the shop assistant is the almighty G-d... and you better do what they want or you'll be sorry. And here is an example:

I went into town because I had do a couple of things. I pass a shoeshop that has nice shoes, but out of my price range, but they have a 50% off sale going on. I saw a couple of shoes I liked through the shop window. I go in and head over to where I saw them. They're in the kiddies section, but the sizes go up to an adult size 10.

As I go into this part of the shop a shop assistant (s.a.) stops me and informs me that it is the childrens section. I say, I know. She goes M'am those are CHILDREN's shoes. I say again I know and go ahead. She comes after me and and tries to direct me to the adult section. I look at her and ask her if she knows if I have children or not? She looks at me confused and says no she doesn't. So I ask her why she insists I do not buy childrens shoes. She throws me an angry look and stalks off. 2 seconds later s.a. #2 comes running over all aghast telling me that I am in the childrens section. I tell her, guess what??? your friend over there already informed of this and guess what??? I don't give a damn and I would like to buy those 3 pairs of shoes. But M'am those are childrens shoes??? I bite back that I KNOW and that I STILL WANT TO BUY THEM. We head over to the cash register. Here is the chief S.A. and again she informs me that those shoes are intended for children. I look at her and ask her if those shoes fit me (she saw me trying them on), her answer yes, then I ask her if they're for sale. Again her answer is yes, so I said I'd like to know what the F their problem is???

Now she tells me I have absolutely no reason to be so rude. I look at her and ask her how she would feel if 3 people, who know f-all about her would tell her that the shoes she tried on were childrens shoes as if they would transmit the plague or something. I told her she could be f-ing lucky that I was still willing to buy those shoes and not file a complaint for discrimination!!! And I also told her that if she didn't want adults to buy her shoes maybe she should not have "childrens" shoes going up to size 10!!!!

The 3 pairs are sneakers so it doesn't really scream kiddie shoes anyways.

Okay, off my soapbox and off to have another look at my new kiddie shoes :)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Saturday Sky

Sandy over at Sandy's Knitting has this thing for skies. She has often the most gorgeous sky pictures on her blog. Today she mentions how saturday blog posts are often "blah" and she decided to do something about it. So she's created Saturday Sky. The idea is that on saturdays you point your camera at the sky, take a pic and post it. I liked that idea... good thing it is summer though LOL. It is already 8.30 pm over here, so I managed to quickly catch 2 pics of the evening sky out of my bathroom window. The sun's not completely gone yet, but it won't be long anymore.

If you want to participate, head over to Sandy's blog, let her know in the comments that you're participating by giving your bloggy living location and then grab a button (save it to your own space!!!) and get your pics up :)

Here's my contribution
The first pic is taken by hanging over the toilet bowl out of the window and pointing the camera to the right (my toilet is sitting straight underneat the window... which is a dangerous thing... but that is fodder for another post LOL). My street is a tiny valley and the sun is going down at the other side of the "hill".

The second picture is taken by pointing the camera straight out of the window... you can see how the sun highlights the houses on the left.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Me is lazy...

so I've just copied the post I created for my Seraphim KAL :)

The Luxembourg Knitting Studio (LKS) is proud to present to you

Their newest creation featuring

Ladyslipper Zephyr and Dianthus Zephyr
together with
Mim's Pattern

Miss Seraphim

In the above picture she's lightly windswept due to a thunderstorm coming in

Here she rests in presence of her knitter's foot to give an idea of her size
(foot is 10 inches long)

A close(r) up of her point. The LKS would like to point out
that at this moment in time Miss Seraphim
has not been bathed or blocked.
This picture also shows the touch of ruffly cast off edge Miss Seraphim
sports. This is a typical LKS touch

And another picture of Miss Seraphim. The lighting isn't very flattering...
aforementioned thunderstorm being the culprit.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A funny little blog...

Okay, I've decided to push this blog a bit. I discovered it a month or 2 ago and I must say the owner has a funny style. She tickles my funny bone with every post :)

The blog in question is Tales of a Bohemian Knitter

The owner is a Texan Road Nurse. I, as a European city gal, didn't even know something like that existed. She knits too by the way LOL.

Don't judge her blog on her last 2 entries though. She's going through a rough patch and they're a bit sad. But read the previous posts... I was laughing out loud several times when I did so.

Just had to share :)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Amazing Lace - Challenge #2

This is as X-treme as my lace knitting gets...

languishing in my dad's garden waiting for the cutlets to be done on the grill. And this is x-treme for me cos I'm outside... EATING outside where there's bugs and things :) As I always say "I LOVE nature... as long as there's a nice piece of glass between me and Nature" hahaha. I love to be outside, but it is the bugs I can't deal with.

What you see hanging over the side of my chair is my Seraphim Shawl, being done with 2 strands of Zephyr, one in the color Ladyslipper and one in the color Dianthus. Although I dislike variagated yarns for lace, this somehow works!!! And the result is a soft and thick shawl. I'm using 4,5 mm needles. Oh and the shawl's big LOL, don't think I'll have to block it a lot.

Side view...

View from the opposite side... No the beer isn't mine... I'm drinking the sparkly H2O :)

So I've decided that I should get a nomination for the most X-tremely boooooooooring post hahaha.

And as a reward for reading this you get a picture of a gorgeous pink geranium flower

Cheers Eva

Saturday, June 17, 2006

How music rules my life

I found this Meme thing on The Crochet Dude's blog and had to laugh so much that I couldn't resist doing it too :)
PS: sometimes titles in other languages will pop up... I've translated those.

The way it works:
1. Put your iPod on shuffle... as I don't have an iPod I used my Creative Zen thingy
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am I feeling today? It's a great day to be alive - Travis Tritt - this is too funny as that was exactely what I was thinking this morning... I slept through the night for the first time in 3 nights. We're having a heatwave and it does get darn hot in my apartment :)

Will I get far in life? Girl on the Billboard - The Road Hammers - yeah sure... I believe ya... thousands wouldn't!!!

How do my friends see me? Geht's dir schon besser - Ich+Ich (Are you feeling any better?) - this one is nasty... I often feel sick so this is a bit close to the truth

When will I get married? Didn't your mama tell ya? - Montgomery Gentry - Well, what she did tell me was "do whatever you want and get married tomorrow" - which is a Antwerpian way of saying Do what you want and see if I care.

What is my best friend's theme song? Go with her - Toby Keith - hmmm don't know what to say about this one...

What is the story of my life? Honkytonk U - Toby Keith - Me is a highschool dropout, I've never been to any kind of U and never wanted to.

What was high school like? I want you - Faith Hill (this is so NOT true... I was the one always picked last... whatever we did)

How am I going to get ahead in life? Unbroken - Tim McGraw - Does that mean I'm a hard (or heartless) -itch? That nothing hurts me... so not true...

What is the best thing about me? All around the world - Lisa Stansfield - Me likes to travel, but not all around the world :)

How is today going to be? Tu m'oubliera - Larusso (You'll forget me) - Wonder what I'll be doing that y'all forget me hahaha..

What is in store for this weekend? Never gonna break again - Tracy Byrd - LOL... Unbroken and never gonna break again. Sounds like a theme here :)

What song describes my parents? The first time I ever saw you - George Michael - I doubt that

What song describes your grandparents? Nightingale - Leonard Cohen - I doubt this even more

How is my life going? Like the rain - Clint Black - now if only we had some rain I'd be happy... I hate this hot weather.

What song will they play at my funeral? There for you - Leonard Cohen - This is pretty creepy as it is a song that could be a eulogy...

How does the world see me? Let's just call it love - Lisa Stansfield - hmmm... I think people would disagree as I can be pretty volcanic with my anger :) I'm not always about "peace man"

Will I have a happy life? Is anybody loving you these days? - Dierks Bentley - yep, a question I ask myself all the time

What do my friends really think of me? You need a man around here - Brad Paisley - Never was there a truer word spoken... any candidates?

Do people secretly lust after me? Why Why Why - Billy Currington - Indeed why????

How can I make myself happy? Come a little closer - Dierks Bentley - I'm not even going to comment on this one

What should I do with my life? You caught me at a bad time - Toby Keith - indeed I haven't got a clue. Next!!!

Will I ever have children? Ain't that a kick in the head - Robbie Williams - having kids sure sounds like having a kick in the head... I don't know a positive kick or a negative kick though LOL.

What is some good advice for me? Sweet little mystery - Wet Wet Wet - what kind of an answer is this hahahaha

What is my signature dancing song? Walkin' in - Tracy Byrd - that should have said Walkin' in it... like I often put my nose where it shouldn't be nosy sod that I am

What do I think my current theme song is? This is the right time - Lisa Stansfield - yeah sure

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? I dare you - LeAnn Rimes - If you take it as a threat then it would be right :)

What type of men/women do you like? How long? Wet Wet Wet - mmmm how long... what is how long??? gotta get my brain outta gutter here

What kind of kisser are you? We carry on - Tim McGraw - now this is something I agree with

What's your style? Last night I saw Santa Claus - New Kids On The Block - yeah yeah I know... don't ask me what THAT is on my player hahahaha. But if you look at it on another level, my style is exactely that :) I have my own style :)

What kind of lover are you? There you are - Martina McBride - no comment

What would be playing on a first date? This moment is OK - Marti Pellow (singer from Wet Wet Wet) - This sounds like a good attitude for a first date don't it?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Party for 2 - Billy Currington and Shania Twain - oh yes!!!

Okay, this might be funnier if there hadn't been so darn many country songs on my player hahaha.

Cheers Eva

Thursday, June 15, 2006

KSKS questionnaire

The Questionnaire:

What are your favorite colors? Blues, yellows, pinks, reds, springy or summery colors.

Are you a new sock knitter? I started at the end of 2005

How long have you been knitting socks? So, doing some math that would be about 7 months

Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? I don't mind either, even dyed by yourself yarn will be welcome

What fibers do you prefer in sock yarn? anything except angora, alpaca, cashmere or mohair (allergies)

Where do you usually knit socks? Those are my on-the-go-projects, so mostly on the train, bus and in the office.

How do you usually carry/store small projects? They're just dumped into my bag... and more than once I've lost stitches because when rooting around in my bag for something else, they'll come off the needles.

What are your favorite sock knitting patterns? No real preference

What are your favorite sock knitting techniques? Any... I often will start socks using ML and then switch to DPNs and switch back and forth between the 2. Sometimes I'll even throw in some 2 circ action too. I started out doing socks toe up, but now I prefer cuff down a lot more

What new techniques would you like to try? I'm not into colorwork or fair isle and I know how to do lace/cables. I don't know if there's anything else around.

Do you prefer circulars or dpns for sock knitting? No real preference.

What are some of your favorite yarns? I have worked with Opal, Regia, Trekking, Lorna's Laces sock yarn and I have yet to work with the STR and FleeceArtist (I think... I can't remember the name) I have.
I haven't had a chance to try some Koigu, Sundara, Blue Moon Sock Candy or Scout's yarn (don't remember the name right now)

What yarn do you totally covet? Nothing in particular. I'm happy with anything I get.

Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? Can't think of anything right now... it would probably be something lace :) If I really want to make something I'll find the time and money to do so.

Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? I knit using the combined method, so I basically use circs. As I live in Europe Addi's are really cheap so I have a big stash of those. I also like Boyd Circs in sizes 4, 5 and 6 for my lace knitting. Yes, they have stiff cables, but somehow I like that LOL. Edited to add: I have lots of DPNs in bamboo and only 2 sets in metal. I like my DPNs being 6 or 7 inches long. The one set of metal DPNs I use are Pony Pearls. I just LOVE them. The other set I have is by Regia, but I don't like them. Although they're metal they drag real bad. Oh, and I'm a very very very loose knitter so I use 2 mm needles for all my sock knitting... I think that is a US 0 isn't it? Edited again to add: I just saw these needles and they look like something I'd like to try: KnitPicks Double Pointed Needles. They come in the length I like, are metal, and have all the size I'd like to use (I've been wanting to use some Cascade Fixation I have and can't find the right size DPNs (US#3). Oh and they look wickedly pointy too hahahaha.

If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? Oh boy, I'm useless with questions like this... I'd be a yarn that would be sturdy and reliable, with lively colored splashes on a more sedate background.

Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? Cream savers, most fruit flavored hard candy. Nothing with peanuts (or peanut taste), black currant or grape taste.

What’s your favorite animal? Kittykats.

Do you have pets? What are their species/names/ages? No...

If you were a color what color would you be? Oh another one of them questions LOL... I can't make up my mind... yellow for my bright and fun personality, blue for my reliability or red for my (sometimes) flaring passion... euh make that anger hahahaha.

Describe your favorite shirt (yours or someone else’s). My favorite shirt??? A tshirt that is clean hahaha.

What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? A hydrangea... I love the colors they come in (if you take a look a few posts back you'll see several nice flower photos I recently made) or the ocean.

Tell me the best quote you’ve ever heard or read. Live and let live. There is another native american saying, but it won't come to mind right now.

Do you have a wishlist? I have a list at KnitPicks... which is more like a personal shopping list for my next trip to the US LOL.

Hope this will help my pal a bit :)

Cheers Eva

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Joined a new KAL...

I joined the Knit Sock Kit Swap that Scout organizes. It will be a challenge as I'll have to make a baggie in which to put the kit :) But being the daughter of an accomplished seamstress I should be able to do so dontcha think??? Now if only I could get them sewing machines to cooperate hahaha.

The signups are only until tuesday sometime, so if you want to join... hurry!!!
Signup information: here

Cheers Eva

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wow... 4 days in a row :)

Yeah another post... Just to say that I survived last night's aqua jogging fine. No hurting shoulders/neck. The teacher forbade me to do any of the exercises... my legs are a bit sore though because they got to do all the extra things hahaha. Guess it won't be today that I'll be going to the lunchtime class... I'd have to be there in 9 minutes and I'm still sitting in my bed :) Good thing I don't work on Wednesdays.

Now I'm going to show off a few more flower pictures. Yes, I like flower pictures :) As I don't have a garden I take pics at Markets or wherever I can. I had been wanting to post these over the weekend already, but for some reason I got stuck on the name Cyclamen for them... I knew that was wrong, but hey, it got stuck. Then, today I was reading The Yarn Harlot's blog entry and as I was looking at one of the pictures I thought "wow those are Clematis" (y'all I had to look it up again as I'd googled Clematis to make sure that was what they were!!!). And Bing the light went on... my flowers were Clematis hahahaha. (Does a lightbulb actually go Bing when you light it?)

This one is gorgeous for its colors... there was a bit of orangey red in the purplish pink in the middle. You can see a little hint of it in that top leaf

This one is a simpler version of the others. I like the shape of the 4 leaves...

Here you can see the front and the back of the same flower. The front wasn't striped, just a periwinkle blue. The back, as you can see, was striped in lilacs and blues. Simply gorgeous :)

This one was just pretty hahahaha.

That's it for today...


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Once again...

I have proof that I am not made to be sporty!!! I like the german saying "sport ist mord" (sport is murder).

Anyways, let's roll back 2 weeks from today. After a lot of excuses my friend AM convinced me to go with her to the pool to take a class called Aqua Jogging. I used the following excuses:

  • I do not have a swimsuit
  • I do not have time to do the necessary deforestation works on my legs
  • the Dr forbade me to go swimming as the last 3 times I had a mid ear infection every time I went (this was 3 years ago)
  • But it is at 5.30 and the will give me only 10 minutes between getting home and leaving again (actually it is at 6.30, but she knows me so she knew that if she told me I'd really wouldn't go)
  • I might have my monthly you-know-what coming up in the next 3 weeks
  • I can't wear my lenses in the pool... I'm blind as a bat without them
These are just the ones I remember. Well, no such luck... I ran out of excuses and I went... although with a lot of complaining. The class was 45 minutes and before I knew what hit me it was over and I'd enjoyed myself enormously.

The next day though I was crippled with muscle pain. Not in my legs or belly as I expected. We did a few mean exercises that involve belly muscles. But my arms... It was so bad that on the morning after I could NOT type or knit or do anything, but let my arms hang alongside my body and as soon as I moved them I was in agony. A good thing I do not work on Wednesdays.
By the afternoon I had a numb feeling in them, the same as if you fall asleep on your arm and then it has this weird feeling once the blood comes back in it. Then I would have tingling all the way down to my fingers.

On Thursday it felt a bit better, although I was still sore. So last week Tuesday rolls around and I go back. I really liked it. I let the teacher know about my agony and she tells me to let the arm/shoulder exercises out or do them in a lowkey version.

On that first Thursday, I had a couple of hours at the office where I felt lightheaded. Not really dizzy or nauseous, but just lightheaded. It happened again last week Thursday. And then again on Sunday... suddenly in the afternoon. I also had a headache like a tension headache. My neck and shoulders felt stiff. I went to my dad's for dinner as usual and told him about it and so we checked my bloodpressure. It was 132 over 90... which for me is HIGH... I normally am barely alive with a BP of about 90 over 60. So my dad thinks its bloodpressure or an ear infection (but I said no, because there's no pain). It was still with me yesterday, but as it was a holiday here, I didn't go to the dr. This morning it was still there. The neck/shoulders and headache got worse. I had come to the conclusion it couldn't be my BP as I normally feel really really sick to the stomach when I have a BP problem (normally it drops even lower than it already is) and I couldn't stop eating hahaha. Another thing that was weird was that when I walked I felt fine. Sitting still, knitting or writing would make me feel lightheaded.

This morning I walk to the Dr. and in his office I tell about the weird spells, the pain in my neck/shoulders, the light headache, the BP thing, the not feeling nauseous and so on. I get to sit on the bed... he does a couple of tests with the forkthing holding it on different spots on my head. Then he gets behind me and TRIES to pinch my shoulder muscles (you know... the ones going from your neck to your shoulders) and they're like concrete... and I scream in pain...

He asks me if I have started doing some sports... he's a sports dr along with a generalist. I look at him and say "euh yes" and explain the aqua jogging. He says it explained it all... my muscles are still tense and sore from those exercises... and as I unconciously try to not move naturally as it hurts I got sooooooo tense that I get a headache because of it and the lightheadedness is also due to those muscles being soooo tense. He pressed one little spot at the base of my neck and I could feel the muscles tense up all the way from my hips to the top of my scalp.
He told me to keep going to the pool and keep doing the aqua jogging. He says, those muscles need to get used to being used for something else than knitting, typing and writing. He even said I could try and go both times this week or next week (on wednesdays at lunchtime there's another class). I just need to build up those shoulder exercises slowly.

So for once he's not telling me to stop (I've had to give up biking because of my broken/traumatized ankle), swimming because of my earinfections, brisk walking because of the tendonitis in my knee... Guess me's not made for sport hahaha.

And now, as a reward because you read the whole shebang... a gorgeous picture. I took this on Sept. 6th, 2004. It was the last vacation that I took with my parents. One month later my mom died. The picture was taken at Bergen-op-Zee in Holland at the beach. The sailing boats were getting ready for the last regatta of the season and that "tropical" boat, just came racing along :) I can still hear the drum of the person at the front. And they were going FAST hahahaha.

Cheers Eva

I have proof that I am not made to be sporty!!! I like the german saying "sport ist mord" (sport is murder).

Anyways, let's roll back 2 weeks from today. After a lot of excuses my friend AM convinced me to go with her to the pool to take a class called Aqua Jogging. I used the following excuses:

  • I do not have a swimsuit
  • I do not have time to do the necessary deforestation works on my legs
  • the Dr forbade me to go swimming as the last 3 times I had a mid ear infection every time I went (this was 3 years ago)
  • But it is at 5.30 and the will give me only 10 minutes between getting home and leaving again (actually it is at 6.30, but she knows me so she knew that if she told me I'd really wouldn't go)
  • I might have my monthly you-know-what coming up in the next 3 weeks
  • I can't wear my lenses in the pool... I'm blind as a bat without them
These are just the ones I remember. Well, no such luck... I ran out of excuses and I went... although with a lot of complaining. The class was 45 minutes and before I knew what hit me it was over and I'd enjoyed myself enormously.

The next day though I was crippled with muscle pain. Not in my legs or belly as I expected. We did a few mean exercises that involve belly muscles. But my arms... It was so bad that on the morning after I could NOT type or knit or do anything, but let my arms hang alongside my body and as soon as I moved them I was in agony. A good thing I do not work on Wednesdays.
By the afternoon I had a numb feeling in them, the same as if you fall asleep on your arm and then it has this weird feeling once the blood comes back in it. Then I would have tingling all the way down to my fingers.

On Thursday it felt a bit better, although I was still sore. So last week Tuesday rolls around and I go back. I really liked it. I let the teacher know about my agony and she tells me to let the arm/shoulder exercises out or do them in a lowkey version.

On that first Thursday, I had a couple of hours at the office where I felt lightheaded. Not really dizzy or nauseous, but just lightheaded. It happened again last week Thursday. And then again on Sunday... suddenly in the afternoon. I also had a headache like a tension headache. My neck and shoulders felt stiff. I went to my dad's for dinner as usual and told him about it and so we checked my bloodpressure. It was 132 over 90... which for me is HIGH... I normally am barely alive with a BP of about 90 over 60. So my dad thinks its bloodpressure or an ear infection (but I said no, because there's no pain). It was still with me yesterday, but as it was a holiday here, I didn't go to the dr. This morning it was still there. The neck/shoulders and headache got worse. I had come to the conclusion it couldn't be my BP as I normally feel really really sick to the stomach when I have a BP problem (normally it drops even lower than it already is) and I couldn't stop eating hahaha. Another thing that was weird was that when I walked I felt fine. Sitting still, knitting or writing would make me feel lightheaded.

This morning I walk to the Dr. and in his office I tell about the weird spells, the pain in my neck/shoulders, the light headache, the BP thing, the not feeling nauseous and so on. I get to sit on the bed... he does a couple of tests with the forkthing holding it on different spots on my head. Then he gets behind me and TRIES to pinch my shoulder muscles (you know... the ones going from your neck to your shoulders) and they're like concrete... and I scream in pain...

He asks me if I have started doing some sports... he's a sports dr along with a generalist. I look at him and say "euh yes" and explain the aqua jogging. He says it explained it all... my muscles are still tense and sore from those exercises... and as I unconciously try to not move naturally as it hurts I got sooooooo tense that I get a headache because of it and the lightheadedness is also due to those muscles being soooo tense. He pressed one little spot at the base of my neck and I could feel the muscles tense up all the way from my hips to the top of my scalp.
He told me to keep going to the pool and keep doing the aqua jogging. He says, those muscles need to get used to being used for something else than knitting, typing and writing. He even said I could try and go both times this week or next week (on wednesdays at lunchtime there's another class). I just need to build up those shoulder exercises slowly.

So for once he's not telling me to stop (I've had to give up biking because of my broken/traumatized ankle), swimming because of my earinfections, brisk walking because of the tendonitis in my knee... Guess me's not made for sport hahaha.

And now, as a reward because you read the whole shebang... a gorgeous picture. I took this on Sept. 6th, 2004. It was the last vacation that I took with my parents. One month later my mom died. The picture was taken at Bergen-op-Zee in Holland at the beach. The sailing boats were getting ready for the last regatta of the season and that "tropical" boat, just came racing along :)

Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm still alive...

I just haven't felt like blogging a lot lately. Funny as I have lots of things to say :)

Well, first of all I finished Lani's socks. I've been working on those for a long time, but as I mostly work on them at the office with the computer system's down or slow, I did not work on them regularly. Pics will follow... tomorrow they'll get a nice bath and then on Wednesday I'll toss them in the drier or maybe they'll get to hang outside in the sunshine.

I've been working steadily on my Seraphim shawl. I'm about halfway through the second chart of lace. After this one there's a third chart and then the edging.
Once it will be done, I'll be working full time on the Civil War Shawl again. I love that shawl. It is a bit slow going right now as I'm blending 2 skeins of Zephyr so that it is not so noticable that they're not the exact same shade. So one row gets done with one ball and the other one with the other ball...

I'm such a doofus though... I'm in The Amazing Lace KAL for this summer and I was supposed to present my team on my blog. I had taken pictures 2 weeks ago. I had to post the presentation yesterday at the latest... but as it was a 3 day weekend here, somehow I thought today was sunday and so I was going to post it this morning... Guess I missed challenge #1. Oh well, I'll participate in challenge #2 instead.

Doofus again... I missed my blogiversary... not that I was really thinking about it, but... I now decided to have a blogging party for my 100th post (which will be in a little while). I'll have a little contest I think and there will be some yarny prices and maybe some cross stitch prices too as I know some stitchers read these rare posts too hahaha.

And as a post without pictures is not really a post I'm leaving you with some pictures I took at a gardening thing a few weeks back. These are my most favorite garden flowers... hydrangeas. I love their intense blues, purples and pinks. I know there's also deep purples nearly red, but they had none at this garden show. I also love the pale pink ones. There were also some that had white flowers with pink scalloped edges!!! Pretty Pretty Pretty...

Well, enough for now...

Cheers Eva

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Seraphim Shawl

This is just a post to make some publicity for the KAL I've started. We're knitting the Seraphim Shawl by designer Miriam Felton. Her other published designs are Mountain Peaks and Icarus (summer 2006 IK).

You can buy the pattern and see a pic here.

To view the blog, click here.

If you want to join, please e-mail me at sweetpea at sweet-p dot net !

Cheers Eva