Saturday Sky
Sandy over at Sandy's Knitting has this thing for skies. She has often the most gorgeous sky pictures on her blog. Today she mentions how saturday blog posts are often "blah" and she decided to do something about it. So she's created Saturday Sky. The idea is that on saturdays you point your camera at the sky, take a pic and post it. I liked that idea... good thing it is summer though LOL. It is already 8.30 pm over here, so I managed to quickly catch 2 pics of the evening sky out of my bathroom window. The sun's not completely gone yet, but it won't be long anymore.
If you want to participate, head over to Sandy's blog, let her know in the comments that you're participating by giving your bloggy living location and then grab a button (save it to your own space!!!) and get your pics up :)
Here's my contribution
The first pic is taken by hanging over the toilet bowl out of the window and pointing the camera to the right (my toilet is sitting straight underneat the window... which is a dangerous thing... but that is fodder for another post LOL). My street is a tiny valley and the sun is going down at the other side of the "hill".
The second picture is taken by pointing the camera straight out of the window... you can see how the sun highlights the houses on the left.
If you want to participate, head over to Sandy's blog, let her know in the comments that you're participating by giving your bloggy living location and then grab a button (save it to your own space!!!) and get your pics up :)
Here's my contribution
The first pic is taken by hanging over the toilet bowl out of the window and pointing the camera to the right (my toilet is sitting straight underneat the window... which is a dangerous thing... but that is fodder for another post LOL). My street is a tiny valley and the sun is going down at the other side of the "hill".
The second picture is taken by pointing the camera straight out of the window... you can see how the sun highlights the houses on the left.

At Monday, June 26, 2006 1:24:00 AM,
Chris said…
Lovely pictures!! I'm glad you didn't fall in while you were taking them. :)
At Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:12:00 PM,
PBnJ said…
Be careful there, lol! I'm with Chris, we don't want ya falling in! :D Nice pics, by the way.
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