Hello from Oregon

I know I know... I was going to post daily while I was out here and now more than a week has gone by and I've not made a single post... I feel bad about it. I really do.
It is 6.40 am over here right now and the others are still asleep except Miss Tabovsky (the cat), but she's mad at me right now. The cat's name is actually Tabby, but I call her Miss Tabovsky :)
Okay, blogger has decided that the picture of The Tabster goes to the left instead of underneath the text... It's too early to start fighting with blogger.
Today I've got my class in knitting backwards at Lint, inc. in Portland. We're going to head into town early and then eat before class starts...
Well, this is what I wrote on Oct. 27th... and forgot about it. Let's take it from there :)
I had the class and enjoyed it. It was about knitting backwards. It's fun. I've been working on a scarf so that I could practice my knitting backwards technique. Picture will follow sometime.
I spend more time shopping I think than actually knitting, but hey, I'm totally LYS-shopping deprived over here.
I had a great time over all in Oregon. I loved it. Cheryl's got a great family and her house is beautiful. Nature was great too. I made some pictures but I downloaded them to her puter and forgot to put them on CD for myself. She's going to send them to me one of these days.
As usual I had a hard time getting back to my regular time schedule. It's only since 2 days that I'm more or less on a regular time schedule and I've been back here for nearly 2 weeks LOL.
Since I've been back I've been knitting up a storm. First of all, there's Cheryl's shawl (to be honest I haven't worked on it since I was in Frankfurt Airport), Faroese Peaks Shawl by Knitpicks. I'm using the same colorway as in the picture, Sweetpeas. It is a bit "boring" as it is done in garter stitch and I don't like working in garter, but Cheryl wanted it that way.
Next I started on Fiber Trends Pacific Northwest Shawl (scroll down) using Knitpicks Shadow yarn in Sunrise. The more I work with that yarn the more I love it. I just have one tiny fear... I'm running out of it right now. I've mailed several skeins in the boxes that I mailed from the US, but of course they're not here yet. I'm making this shawl for my Aunt's 60th bday (sometime in September). I'm seeing her next week saturday and so I'm hoping that the boxes will be here soon so that I can finish it before then. I think I'll have enough for the body of the shawl, but certainly not the edging.
Then I'm working on the Shaped Triangle from the Gathering of Lace book. I'm using some hand dyed yarn that I bought from someone a while ago. You could say the color is crushed strawberry :) She used Koolaid to dye it. I think it is Henry's Attic dye-your-own yarn, but don't quote me on that one.
And lastly, I'm doing the first of these three shawls. I'm using some yarn from Handpaintedyarn.com, although I don't know what color. I got several skeins from The Subway Knitter and so I don't know what it is. It is a periwinkle or light lavendar color... I'm using 4.5 mm needles and so it is a LOT lacy-er than I normally do, but I love it so far.
Pictures to follow of all of the above...
I'm still off from work until the first of December. I'm really feeling well right now (well rested and so on). I've been watching a lot of TV of course. I've discovered a new (to me) series: Everwood. It started on Monday (on a german channel) and I guess I'll be taping it once I start working again LOL. It is followed by the Gilmore Girls and after than I switch channels and watch this absolutely yummylishious guy... I'd forgotten about him to be honest, but I've been drooling over his pictures for the past half hour and boy... he sure is ageing well :) Wouldn't mind having him in my... oops, too much information I bet :) I'm going to read a little more on this site soon.................................
So, this is about all for now. I know there's more that I want(ed) to say, but hey, it kinda seems to be gone with all those searches for the links (blogging sure is hard work :)).
Cheers y'all Eva
At Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:58:00 PM,
Jenn said…
I'm so glad to know that you are around! :) I've missed you. I found pictures on my digital camera the other day of Cinnamon on your lap. :) I need to get them loaded to my Webshots album! :)
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